Editorial Guidelines

We are happy to publish guest posts about hut-to-hut, including historical perspectives, present situation and opportunities, possible futures, and related topics. See below for detail on mission, scope, audiences, and guidelines. Send a statement of the topic with a brief outline to sdemas@carleton.edu. We do not pay for posts, accept advertisements or sponsorships, or include links to products.

  1. Content – We publish blog posts of up to 700 words, articles of up to 2,000 words, and detailed operational profiles of existing hut systems. We also create photo galleries of hut systems and publish brief trip reports. See scope statement for more detail.

  2. Audience – The primary audience is people designing, building, managing, or dreaming about hut systems. A secondary audience is users of hut systems looking for interesting leads on where to go and deeper context for appreciating the hut experience.

  3. Scope – Topics concerned with hut and trail systems in their historical, social, economic, political, environmental, and literary contexts. Categories include: news; operations; design; people; educational role; environmental impact; book reviews; literary, artistic and spiritual expressions; imaginative rethinking of huts and hut systems; trip reports; and essays on long distance human-powered movement through the landscape. See scope statement for even more detail on the categories.

  4. Tone of voice

    1. Clear writing, substantive content, and a civil tone is essential.

    2. Writing that encourages civil discourse and acknowledges and tolerates differing viewpoints sets the right tone.

    3. Both journalistic writing and an informal style are fine.

    4. Use of bullet points and lists to aid the reader in quickly absorbing the content of your article or post is acceptable.

    5. While research content is encouraged, overly academic writing can be a bother to read and should be avoided.

    6. Self promotion is not the purpose of our posts and articles.

  5. Editorial details

    • File format for text – word, pages, & pdf

    • File format for images – jpg & jpeg

    • Word count – Blog posts should be 700 words or less. Articles may be long form, but generally not more than 2,000 words. Talk to use about longer pieces. Proposals for articles should state the intended length.

  6. Linking: Posts and articles with links out to relevant content are fine, as long as the purpose is not blatantly self-promotional. Linking to related posts within hut2hut.info can sometimes help to build a conversational thread on a topic.

  7. Intellectual property – We are committed to respecting and acknowledging the rights of authors, photographers, and other creative artists. We also are committed to sharing information freely. Unless specified otherwise, the work on this site treated as if it is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

  8. Images – If you submit photos, please:

    • be sure you have the right to post these images;

    • label your pictures with the attribution/credit information you wish to have displayed;

    • include information on rights holder/photographer, either as a caption or on image, e.g.:

      • Photo courtesy of {insert name of photographer or organization granting permission}, or

      • © {insert name of rights holder}.

    • size photographs for web publication, generally less than 1MB files.