Hut2Hut Archive

Includes articles/posts transferred from about international topics, as well as some others that are not necessarily up to date or very substantive. These serve as an archive for the website, which will eventually be decommissioned, but which has formed the foundation for the US Hut Alliance site and will be discontinued.

Note: Limit 20 posts per page, so click below to see more.

Shaun Barnett: New Zealand Hut Hero
New Zealand, People, Books/resources Guest User New Zealand, People, Books/resources Guest User

Shaun Barnett: New Zealand Hut Hero

Profile of a leading photographer, tramper, writer and advocate. By far my best idea when planning a three month study tour of New Zealand huts was to read Shelter from the Storm and contact the authors. All three members of this Dream Team (Rob Brown, Robbie Burton, Geoff Spearpoint) were helpful, but Shaun’s thoughtful and generous email exchanges were spot-on in guiding me on who to talk with and where to go (i.e. what huts to visit!).

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