Hut2Hut Archive
Includes articles/posts transferred from about international topics, as well as some others that are not necessarily up to date or very substantive. These serve as an archive for the website, which will eventually be decommissioned, but which has formed the foundation for the US Hut Alliance site and will be discontinued.
Note: Limit 20 posts per page, so click below to see more.

New Zealand Hut Heroes: Paul Kilgour: story and video
Profile of Paul Kilgour, a kindly, energetic and intelligently man. He has tramped incessantly for years, and in 2004 he retraced on maps all the walks he could remember and made a notebook listing huts he had stayed in and those he “had cast a shadow on”. After his 2007/08 “long walk home” the number jumped considerably. He is still keeping a record in his neatly kept notebooks. When we looked in March 2018, he was up to 1,174 huts total.

New Zealand Huts: unique features and loose ends
Notes on topics I’d hoped to learn and write more fully about, which are place-holders/reminders to spur further inquiry on interesting topics, by myself or, I hope, by others.