ABOUT: Articles (also known as posts) on this site are open to the public. Members of US Hut Alliance and others are welcome to submit articles/posts for publication.

Many of the articles/posts on this site were moved from www.hut2hut.info to this US Hut Alliance website. The idea is to turn USHutAlliance.org into the “go-to” place for information about huts, and also to archive the original hut2hut content. Once the US Hut Alliance is adding new content regularly and has become the primary source of substantive information about huts for its members and for the public, Sam Demas will phase out the hut2hut.info website..

Hut2Hut.info articles/posts included in this Article Library primarily concern U.S. huts. Those in the Hut2Hut Archive are mostly international in scope or are not up-to-date.

Note: All hut2hut.info articles/posts represent the work and opinions of Sam Demas and others who contributed to building the hut2hut website, and not necessarily those of US Hut Alliance.

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Article Library

AMC Huts & Unification of White Mountain Trails

The AMC’s system of eight huts and the network of trails in White Mountains of N.H. were developed concurrently. After a brief introduction, this piece links to Chapter 36 of Forest and Crag bu Guy and Laura Waterman (Appalachian Mountain Club Books, 1989) offers a fascinating look at how a cohesive regional trail system evolved over a period of about 20 years, 1910 – 1930 along with the AMC huts, the first in the USA.

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Hut systems, People Sam Demas, hut2hut.info Hut systems, People Sam Demas, hut2hut.info

Founder profile: Joe Dodge, hutmaster extraordinairre

Three informative tributes to Joe Dodge from the Appalachian Mountain Club Archives, Dartmouth College, and the Boston Globe. While Joe was not technically the founder, he was the dynamo that expanded, organized, and shaped the AMC huts into a system, and who took the huts to a whole new levels of operational effectiveness and hospitality.

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