Join the Alliance

Are you a hut operator or planning to be? Please start here with our membership survey

Organizational Development Goals

Connect US Hut operators to each other and to other communities of practice 

  • Conduct regular virtual meetings.

  • Develop forum to foster dialogue beyond regular meetings.  

  • Sponsor an in-person huts forum/gathering at the joint Society for Outdoor Recreation Programs/International Trails Symposium in Reno, NV April, 2023.

  • Cultivate relationships and understanding with state and federal land management agencies, making our presence as a community of practice.

  • Identify areas of collaboration and cooperation such as job boards, marketing, advertising, insurance, reservations, and intern programs.   

  • Develop mentoring and partnering services.

  • Provide guidance and serve as a sounding board for folks developing new hut systems. 

  • Develop a database of recommended builders, suppliers, etc. for use by members.


    • Identify how members can best learn from each other and facilitate it.

    • Develop and maintain library of best practices.

    • Share information to identify trends.

    • Identify threats and develop alternative responses. 

    • Recruit experts to present topics of interest at meetings. 

    • Facilitate exchange of operating and governance information. 

    • Develop research agenda.

      • Identify the needs of members.

      • Develop a research agenda to explore ways to meet these needs.

      • Find researchers and groups to help advance this agenda.

Become the public face and voice of US huts

  • Develop capacity to provide expertise about huts to the public, to new hut initiatives, and to policy makers and legislators.

  • Cultivate relationships and understanding with state and federal land management agencies, making our presence as a community of practice.

  • Explore viability and feasibility of developing a lobbying effort.

    • Identify issues and organizations to influence and reasons why. 

    • Identify ways to influence decision-makers in these arenas. 

    • Join with other like-minded organizations to advocate for our aims.

US Hut Alliance organization and capacity to analyze, prioritize and accomplish the above activities

    • Build up membership to increase capacity and knowledge.

    • Continue to sort out key issues in relation to mission, vision, and values.

    • Evolve an effective set of working groups/committees to accomplish the work.

    • Continue to build and maintain a culture of mutual respect and cooperation.

    • Ensure financial stability.

    • Explore partnership with other organizations to extend capabilities and reach, e.g. US Forest Service, National Park Service, Outdoor Alliance, World Trails Network, American Trails, Leave No Trace.
