Hut2Hut Archive
Includes articles/posts transferred from about international topics, as well as some others that are not necessarily up to date or very substantive. These serve as an archive for the website, which will eventually be decommissioned, but which has formed the foundation for the US Hut Alliance site and will be discontinued.
Note: Limit 20 posts per page, so click below to see more.

New Zealand: Hut Capital of the World
List with links to all posts concerning New Zealand Huts.

New Zealand Country Study – Overview & Table of Contents
24 articles summarizing the results of an in-depth study of many aspects of NZ huts. Includes historical and operational perspectives, observations on tramping, culture, reviews of key books, profiles of 9 key players, and more.

New Zealand Huts Country Study: introduction
The purpose of this series of web posts is to provide a substantive overview of the world’s largest hut system. Specifically, the aim is to provide — in one place, free of charge — a sense of the origins, purposes, operations, unique features, challenges, people who care about, and cultural meanings of this amazing, collectively owned system of approximately 962 huts. The hope is to create an efficient point of entry to serious study of NZ huts, with pointers for digging deeper.

New Zealand Backcountry Trust
An amazing pubic/private partnership, the Backcountry Trust (BCT). BCT is one of the most exciting hut-related initiatives in NZ. It represents the kind of cultural and governmental convergence of ideas, energies, needs and solutions that will help to carry the rich heritage of DoC huts into future generations.

New Zealand Hut Operations: Notes on ten selected DoC hut operations
Notes on ten selected operational issues, with links to NZ DOC manuals, standards and other documents. INcludes track (trail) extent, maintenance and building; waste and gray water management; logbooks; historic huts and conservation; citizen action to maintain huts; and reservations system.

New Zealand Huts : Building blocks of the national hut system
Review of key policy and operational principles and documents that serve as the building blocks of the world’s largest hut system. Links to many extremely useful documents providing details on how the national hut system is managed.

New Zealand Hut Wardens – roles and responsibilities
Roles and responsibilites of the folks who look after huts and trampers. Based in part on our week of volunteering as hut wardens on Nelson Lakes track.

Pilgrims Progress: New Zealand Hut Peregrinations
Newsy update on our three months tramping around NZ huts and tracks.

Shelter from the Storm: book review part two
Part two of a review of this seminal work on New Zealand huts.